Sloping off for a winter break? Here's what you need to know if you're travelling with skis.

In this section:

Key information if you're sloping off with your skis

Winter means snow. And snow means skiing. And that means many of you will be looking to get away for a piste of the action.

Now, we know you are eager to get away but if you are travelling with skis or snowboards then it's important to note that what you need to do to get them checked-in - it's not quite as simple as checking them in the normal way.

If you are coming with skis or a snowboard then measuring them will be really helpful before you even get here as this will dictate where you need to take them.

If they are within the following dimensions and weights, then they can be checked in as normal at your airline's desk before being placed on the baggage conveyor belt:


*This table is standard bag sizes and follow normal check in process

Oversized baggage

Items a bit bigger than that? Well, there two further options depending on their size and weight.

The following table sets out what our Oversized baggage system can accommodate. If your equipment fits these dimensions then they need to be taken to the Oversized Baggage input in zone C or D after you check in your baggage at your airline desk.


Still too big? Now you're just showing off!

Anything bigger than this will need to be hand searched. To allow this to happen, please check in your bag with your airline and then take it to the oversize baggage room in zone B so it can be hand searched.

This will take slightly longer to process as we ensure bags are safe and secure of the benefit of all passengers.

Your airline may also have requirements regarding your skis so it's important you also check that information ahead of travel.

Drop them off the night before

And if you want to save yourself the hassle of checking them in on the day of your travel then you can use our Twilight Bag Drop.

It means you can come to the airport the night before and check-in your baggage, including your skis, so you can head straight to security the next morning.

Get more information, including the airlines offering this service, here:

Twilight bag drop

Still looking for that ski holiday?

We know it can be difficult to choose given the range of options available but we're here to help! We operate flights to the very best ski hotspots in Europe, providing easy access to some of the best resorts around, catering to everyone from beginners to seasoned ski veterans. Snow shortage of options you can fly to from Edinburgh.

Here are some of the top ski destinations you can access with direct flights from EDI this winter.

Ski what we've got

3 mins
security hall time