The safety of passengers is our priority, we have to make sure everything you are carrying in your hand luggage is safe.
To ensure it is, your luggage will be screened as part of our security process.
It is an offence to have any of the following items in your hand luggage or carry them into the aircraft cabin. Some of these items may be allowed to be stored in your hold luggage so please check with your airline ahead of travel.
Ammunition and explosives
Blades, knives and scissors - specifically blades larger than 6cm in length
Builder's tools
Catapults and sling-shots
Cigar cutters
Gas cartridges or cylinders, including re-fills
Hammers, nails or screw-drivers
Hypodermic syringes (unless supported by medical evidence)
Large and heavy blunt instruments
Lighter fuel, including top-up (passengers are allowed to carry one disposable lighter in a clear re-sealable plastic bag)
Paint, paint thinner and turpentine
Radioactive materials
Sporting equipment such as golf clubs, cricket bats
Swiss army knives and corkscrews
Toy or replica guns (plastic or metal...yes, even bubble ones!)
Wallet tools (wallet ninjas). While these may be allowed at airports in other countries they are not permitted at Edinburgh Airport.
If you are unsure about what we can be taken on-board then please contact your airline and they will be able to advise on their rules and regulations.