Twilight bag drop -

four airlines offering service for early morning flights

Customer Feedback Policy

Customer Feedback Policy

This policy sets out how we handle contact relating to your experience at Edinburgh Airport.


We want all our customers to have a positive experience, but we appreciate that there may be occasions where you wish to give feedback about aspects of your airport journey. This Customer Feedback Policy explains when to contact us and how we receive and respond to your feedback.

When to contact Edinburgh Airport

You should contact us if you have feedback or a complaint relating to a service managed by us. This is inclusive of, but not limited to:

  • Car parking

  • Security

  • Terminal facilities e.g., seating, gate areas, temperature, space etc.

We encourage customers who wish to provide feedback or make a complaint to their airline, handling agent or UK Border Force to contact them directly as we are not responsible for these services.

How to provide feedback

All contact is handled by our Customer Support Team, and should you wish to provide feedback or make a complaint we ask that you do so within 21 days of travel where possible.

We would prefer if you contacted us in writing and the easiest way to do so is by filling in our feedback form:

Fill out a feedback form

If you’d prefer not to contact us online, you can send a letter to us:

Customer Support Team 2/24 Almond House Almond Road Edinburgh Airport EH12 9DN

If you are unable to write to us, you can call us between 0900 – 1400 Monday – Friday on +44 (0)131 357 6337. Please be aware that all calls are recorded, and cost 7ppm.

Regardless of how you choose to get in touch, the minimum information we need in the first instance is:

  • Your full name

  • The date of your journey to/from the airport or the date your feedback relates to

  • The approximate time the incident took place and where in the airport grounds it happened

  • Your flight number (if you travelled)

  • Your booking reference/car registration, if your feedback or complaint is in relation to a product or service purchased from Edinburgh Airport

  • A detailed description of the events you wish to bring to our attention

As it is hard for us to investigate your feedback without this information, if this is not supplied, we may not be able to process your feedback.

Please note we cannot accept complaints via social media channels. If you reach out to us initially via social media, you will be directed to the Customer Support Team.

How we will investigate your feedback

Once we have received all necessary details from you we will begin our investigation where we will liaise with the relevant teams at the airport to gather all available information relating to your case. If we require more information for our investigation to take place, we will reach out to you to confirm.

The information you submit, including your personal information, will be used for the purpose of recording, and dealing with your feedback. We will only share this information with airport business partners or relevant regulatory authorities if it is necessary to investigate your case. 

When you can expect to hear from us

In all instances, we aim to deliver a first response to you within 8 working days of receiving of your feedback or complaint. If for any reason there is a delay in our response (this could be due to a number of reasons including operational workflows, interactions with third parties working at the airport, staff on annual leave), our team will reach out to make you aware.

If you’re unhappy with our response

Stage one

If you are unsatisfied with your response, you can ask for a review from a Senior Customer Support Advisor.

Stage two

If you are unsatisfied with your response from the Senior Customer Support Advisor, you can write to us again and your case will be reviewed by the Customer Support Manager. Our Customer Support Manager will review the matter and issue a final reply within 28 days.

Special Assistance Complaints

If you have made a complaint about the Special Assistance Service and are not satisfied with our response, you may escalate your case to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) who may offer further support.

Visit the CAA website