You can connect with Dundee using the Xplore Dundee X90 and Ember bus services.
Departing Monday to Sunday, every 1.5 hours from 04:30 to 01:30 (00:01 / 01:30 / 04:30 / 06:00 / 07:30 / 09:00 / 10:30 / 12:00 / 13:30 / 15:00 / 16:30 / 18:00 / 19:30 / 21:00 / 22:30)
Average journey time = 1 hour 20 minutes
Hop on at Stop E
You can check up to date ticket prices on the Xplore Dundee website.
Overnight services from the airport to Dundee at 0040, 0240 and 0440.
For all other Ember services you can take the tram from the airport to Ingliston where buses will stop every hour from 0540 to 2300, and every two hours from 0040 and 0440.
Hop on at Stop G.